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In one of his most enlightening works, C. S. Lewis shares his ruminations on both the form and the meaning of selected psalms. In the introduction he explains, "I write for the unlearned about things in which I am unlearned myself." Consequently, he takes on a tone of thoughtful collegiality as he writes on one of the Bible's most elusive books.
Characteristically graceful and lucid, Lewis cautions us that the psalms were originally written
...Walk with Ruth as she travels from Moab to Bethlehem, certain of her calling, yet uncertain of her future. Hold Naomi’s hand and watch love put the pieces of her broken life back together. And hang out with Boaz, their kinsman-redeemer, who blesses both women and honors God, big time.
With best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs by...
12) Psalm 23
Introducing a new kind of Jesus biography: Transform the tired and familiar way you have read the Bible into an electrifying journey of rediscovering Christ. In this compelling work, authors Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola reclaim the entire Bible as a gripping narrative about Jesus Christ.
Jesus says, “The Scriptures point to me!” (John 5:39 NLT). But what does that mean exactly?
Virtually every other “Jesus
...In WISCAT Wisconsin Resource Sharing
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