From the Book - First edition.
1 Greece (The Country) to Grease (The Lubricant) to Grease (The Musical) 1 --
2 Dead Presidents to Dead Presidents 27 --
3 Sittin' in a Tree to K-I-S-S-I-N-G to Love and Marriage 57 --
4 Humpty Dumpty to Having a Great Fall to Getting Put Back Together Again 83 --
5 Your Cheatin' Heart to Your Beatin' Heart to N. Bonaparte 107 --
6 Puppies to Stalin 137 --
7 The Hundred Years' War to the Seven-Year Itch to 8-Minute ABS 165 --
8 Schoolhouse Rock! To Rock, Paper, Scissors 189 --
9 All's Well to Ends Well 215.