From the Book - First Houghton Mifflin paperback edition.
pt. 1. The fall of Saruman. The destruction of Isengard (chronology). Helm's deep. The road to Isengard. Flotsam and Jetsam. The voice of Saruman. The palantir
pt. 2. The ring goes east. The taming of Smeagol. The passage of the marshes. The Black Gate is closed. Of herbs and stewed rabbit. Faramir. The forbidden pool. Journey to the cross-roads. Kirith Ungol
pt. 3. Minas Tirith. Addendum to 'The treason of Isengard.' Book five begun and abandoned: Minas Tirith ; The Muster of Rohan ; Sketches for Book five. Minas Tirith. Many roads lead eastward (1-2). The siege of Gondor. The ride of the Rohirrim. The story foreseen from forannest. The battle of the Pelennor Fields. The pyre of Denethor. The houses of healing. The last debate. The Black Gate opens. The second map.