Jack London
1) Adventure
Though novelist Jack London is best known for the paean to natural wonder that is The Call of the Wild, he had an activist side, as well. In Adventure, London describes and skewers the plantation system of The Solomon Islands in a devastating take-down that is equal parts adventure tale and social justice tract.
Este ebook presenta "La llamada de la selva ", con un sumario dinámico y detallado.
Esta novela de Jack London publicada en 1903 y traducida unas veces como La llamada de la selva y otras como La llamada de lo salvaje (The Call of the Wild es el tÃtulo original), no tiene como protagonista a ninguno de los seres humanos representados en la historia, sino a un perro llamado Buck. Buck vive en las tibias tierras del Sur como dueño indiscutible
...5) The Red One
Savage cannibal head-hunters, a disease infested jungle, and the legacy of ancient astronauts. From start to finish this science fiction action adventure never lets up. One of Jack London's last and best.
This audiobook is great for teens, and jungle adventure or science fiction fans.
CONTENTS: What was that amazing otherworldly sound? Bassett, a specimen hunting naturalist, is overwhelmed and obsessed with finding its source. Into the jungle